Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Yet Another Biased L.A. Times Article

The Los Angeles Times spent an entire news article today on the rantings of a Lebanese American couple who blame the war between Israel and Hezbollah...on the United States.

"The worst moment, the couple said, occurred last week when they clustered around a TV set watching the news with family and friends in Tripoli, Lebanon. ...all were convinced that the U.S. would broker an immediate cease-fire to stop their homeland's destruction... Instead, the United States blocked U.N. plans for a Middle East cease-fire resolution. 'All of my family looked at me and said, 'Look what your country has done. How could this be possible?''"

The couple were "embarrassed" and "betrayed," with their "pride as Americans" now "shattered." Although they experienced bombings and an escape to Syria, "those weren't the most traumatic moments", the United States provided the real trauma.

The article also reads like an anti-Republican campaign piece, with the couple interviewed saying the Republicans "let the use of excessive force happen" and thus it's "time for a change" during this fall's elections.

This one-sided hit piece against the United States -- and, by extension, Israel -- really qualifies as "news"? Israel is apparently not allowed to defend itself against terrorism, and if they do it's the "fault" of the United States.

If the Times truly felt one couple's point of view belonged in the news rather than the opinion pages, then they should have at least run the article alongside another perspective...perhaps an interview with the wife of one of the Israeli soldiers kidnapped by Hezbollah.


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